Showing posts with label Update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Update. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A Quick Update...

I'm writing this post just to let you guys know that this week is going to be really slow here at Our Thoughts Precisely. I'm not sure if I'm going to be posting anything for the next few days, but I will be back next week. I will still make the occasional post on twitter, tumblr, & pinterest during this week. Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, August 9, 2014


    It appears to be that time again, Our Thoughts Precisely is receiving a bit of an update. (Just a new background & header, nothing big.) I wanted to go for something a little brighter this time. So, after 1 & 1/2 days of coming up with a concept and working on it until I liked it enough to consider it for a new header, here it is!!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Hiatus...

From the Our Thoughts Precisely Team

     Things have gotten a little sparse around here again, but it's not without reason this time. As the title of the post suggests, we've got to take a break from blogging, because you know life sometimes gets in the way of things. It happens. Basically we're moving and I don't mean the blog.  And with the move means soon we're going to have a lack of internet connection, and little time to read. I know we've got stuff to do, reviews to write, and so on, but this hiatus is pretty inevitable at this point. (Things moved along quicker than we thought.) But we'll be back up as soon as things are settled and more or less organized again. (Those books don't unpack themselves you know.) This is just to let you guys know that we're not quitting, or disappearing, but rather going on a hiatus for the time being, but don't fret we'll be back soon. And so now we're off, but we leave you with a shiny new poll on the side of the blog.

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