In which we get technical with some basic facts about the blog…
- All comments are subject to moderation, and will be visible after approval. So don’t worry if your comment doesn’t immediately show up. Odds are, we’ll see it soon and approve it.
- The artwork tailored for Our Thoughts Precisely is created by Breana M., and includes the header, background, and graphics specific to the blog. We ask that you don’t copy or repost any of our designs. Even if you ask, odds are we’ll say no with very few exceptions, if any at all.
- Written content (reviews) can be quoted but in no way copied in full and reposted on another blog, website, or by anyone who isn’t associated with Our Thoughts Precisely, unless done by a blog administrator, prior agreement with a publisher, or with permission.
- For the foreseeable future, there won't be a numbered rating system on the blog. Good bye (for now) birdcages.