Friday, March 14, 2025

Doctor Who: Blink, Silence in the Library & Forest of the Dead

On Christmas Day, my co-blogger and I ended up watching a marathon of Doctor Who episodes on BBC America, rather than other holiday staples. I was in, because there were showing some of my favorites, like Blink, as well as episodes I’d missed such as the two part story in Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead.

Where to begin? Well, Blink, for starters, is one of my favorite episodes of Doctor Who. I always remembered it best for the montage of gargoyles and statues at the end, while the Doctor says “Don’t blink,” as well as for the design of the Weeping Angels and the menace they presented in the narrative. What I think is interesting is how little the Doctor and Martha appear in this episode but how impactful they still are to—who is arguably the main character in this story—Sally Sparrow, who is drawn in to this complex web, this almost cat and mouse game.

Then there’s the two part story: Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead. The Doctor and Donna arrive at a library, one that’s the size of a planet, which presented a whole new complicated and puzzling set of circumstances. How can so many people be saved and yet there are no survivors? And it’s here where the Doctor and Donna’s paths crossed with River Song—who knew more about the Doctor than he knew of her—and a motley crew of explorers, tasked with figuring out what occurred in the library. Like Blink, Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead was complex, engrossing, and eerie. It was a mission destined to go haywire. And, it had these emotional beats taking place, so when something occurred you kind of experience the horror of the situation as its happening to the characters.

Some of the reasons why these episodes resonate so much with me are because of the non-linear timelines affected how the Doctor and Donna or Martha interacted with other characters. And for the atmosphere, this almost thriller mystery-esque setup that wants to lean more toward horror, and it does with the way the events play out as well as how the Weeping Angels and the Vashta Nerada impact the stories.

It was nice to revisit Blink. And, it was great to finally see how River Song was introduced to the series.

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