Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading.
Synopsis from Goodreads...What if you once had thousands of bodies and near god-like technology at your disposal? And what if all of it were ripped away?
The Lord of the Radch has given Breq command of the ship Mercy of Kalr and sent her to the only place she would have agreed to go—to Athoek Station, where Lieutenant Awn's sister works in Horticulture. Athoek was annexed some six hundred years ago, and by now everyone is fully civilized—or should be. But everything is not as tranquil as it appears. Old divisions are still troublesome, Athoek Station's AI is unhappy with the situation, and it looks like the alien Presger might have taken an interest in what's going on. With no guarantees that interest is benevolent
Beginnings: "Considering the circumstances, you could use another lieutenant." Anaander Mianaai, ruler (for the moment) of all the vast reaches of Radchaai space, sat in a wide chair cushioned with embroidered silk."
56: "In my quarters, Kalr Five, disquieted by the day's events but of course expressionless, had my supper waiting for me--a bowl of skel and a flask of water, common soldier's mess."
Comments: Ancillary Sword wasn't as good as Justice or Mercy. But I still enjoyed it. A lot of vital things happened, and set up the conflict for the third book. So, it was definitely worth the read. What are you reading this week?