Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Release Week Blitz & Giveaway: Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin

I am so excited that WOLF BY WOLF by Ryan Graudin releases today and that I get to share the news, along with an awesome giveaway! If you haven’t yet heard about this book yet be sure to check out all the details below. And as always, there's a giveaway at the end of the post, so keep scrolling.

Special intro from the author...

"Once upon a different time, there was a girl who lived in a kingdom of death. Wolves howled up her arm. A whole pack of them--made of tattoo ink and pain, memory and loss. It was the only thing about her that ever stayed the same.

Her story begins on a train."

And so begins the story of Yael, a girl who can change her appearance to mimic any other female. A girl who must win a 20,000 kilometer cross-continental motorcycle race from Germania to Tokyo so that she can have an audience with Adolf Hitler. A girl who has every intention of killing him.

Whenever I describe the premise of WOLF BY WOLF to people, the reactions I get are quite similar. It's the "are-you-insane-or-are-you-onto-something" face: dropped jaw, squiggly eyebrows. I must admit, I felt many of those same feelings when I first started penning Yael's story. Alternate history + sci-fi + epic motorcycle journey felt like a strange recipe for a novel. But I pushed through my fears and kept writing, and I couldn't be happier with the result. I, for one, don't think I'm insane, but I'll let you, dear reader, come up with your own conclusion. Happy reading!"--Ryan Graudin

About The Book:
Author: Ryan Graudin
Release Date: October 20, 2015
Pages: 400
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Formats: Hardcover, eBook

Code Name Verity meets Inglourious Basterds in this fast-paced novel from the author of The Walled City.
The year is 1956, and the Axis powers of the Third Reich and Imperial Japan rule the world. To commemorate their Great Victory over Britain and Russia, Hitler and Emperor Hirohito host the Axis Tour: an annual motorcycle race across their conjoined continents. The victor is awarded an audience with the highly reclusive Adolf Hitler at the Victor's ball.

Yael, who escaped from a death camp, has one goal: Win the race and kill Hitler. A survivor of painful human experimentation, Yael has the power to skinshift and must complete her mission by impersonating last year's only female victor, Adele Wolfe. This deception becomes more difficult when Felix, Adele twin's brother, and Luka, her former love interest, enter the race and watch Yael's every move. But as Yael begins to get closer to the other competitors, can she bring herself to be as ruthless as she needs to be to avoid discovery and complete her mission?

About Ryan:

Ryan Graudin grew up in Charleston and graduated from the College of Charleston with a degree in Creative Writing in 2009. She is the author of All That Glows and The Walled City. She resides near Charleston with her husband and wolf-dog. You can find her online at www.ryangraudin.com.

Now time for the giveaway. One winner will receive a signed finished copy of the book with a special WOLF BY WOLF pin. This contest is US Only and ends on October 26th at Midnight EST!

Friday, October 16, 2015

The Friday 56 (40) The Eye of Minds by James Dashner

The Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda's Voice where every Friday you pick a book and turn to page 56 or 56%, and select a sentence or a few, as long as it's not a spoiler. For the full rules, visit the the page HERE

Synopsis from Goodreads...

Michael is a gamer. And like most gamers, he almost spends more time on the VirtNet than in the actual world. The VirtNet offers total mind and body immersion, and the more hacking skills you have, the more fun. Why bother following the rules when most of them are dumb, anyway? But some rules were made for a reason. Some technology is too dangerous to fool with. And one gamer has been doing exactly that, with murderous results. The government knows that to catch a hacker, you need a hacker. And they’ve been watching Michael. If he accepts their challenge, Michael will need to go off the VirtNet grid to the back alleys and corners of the system human eyes have never seen—and there’s the possibility that the line between game and reality will be blurred forever...

The Eye of Minds"Cutter glared. "Laugh all ya want. I'm not the one who needs something. Last I remember, that was you.""--The Eye of Minds by James Dashner

What are you reading this week?

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Grudging by Michelle Hauck

Today Michelle Hauck and Rockstar Book Tours are revealing the cover for Grudging, book one of the Birth of Saints series, which releases November 17, 2015! Check out the gorgeous cover and enter to win a copy of the eBook. Now, on to the reveal! 

Author: Michelle Hauck
Pub. Date: November 17, 2015
Publisher: Harper Voyager Impulse
Format: eBook

A world of chivalry and witchcraft…and the invaders who would destroy everything...

The North has invaded, bringing a cruel religion and no mercy. The ciudades-estados who have stood in their way have been razed to nothing, and now the horde is before the gates of Colina Hermosa…demanding blood.

On a mission of desperation, a small group escapes the besieged city in search of the one thing that might stem the tide of Northerners: the witches of the southern swamps.

The Women of the Song.

But when tragedy strikes their negotiations, all that is left is a single untried knight and a witch who has never given voice to her power.  And time is running out.

A lyrical tale of honor and magic, Grudging is the opening salvo in the Book of Saints trilogy.

About Michelle: 

Michelle Hauck lives in the bustling metropolis of northern Indiana with her hubby and two teenagers. Two papillons help balance out the teenage drama. Besides working with special needs children by day, she writes all sorts of fantasy, giving her imagination free range. A book worm, she passes up the darker vices in favor of chocolate and looks for any excuse to reward herself. Bio finished? Time for a sweet snack.

She is a co-host of the yearly contests Query Kombat and Nightmare on Query Street, and Sun versus Snow.

Her epic fantasy, Kindar's Cure, is published by Divertir Publishing. Her short story, Frost and Fog, is published by The Elephant's Bookshelf Press in their anthology, Summer's Double Edge. She's repped by Sarah Negovetich of Corvisiero Literary.

And now for the giveaway. Starting now you can enter for the chance to win an ebook copy of Grudging, this contest is International.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Review: The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury

The Halloween TreeTitle: The Halloween Tree
Author: Ray Bradbury
Source/Format: Purchased, Paperback
More Details: Young Adult, Fantasy
Publisher/Publication Date: Yearling, September 7, 1999

Goodreads     Amazon     Barnes & Noble     Book Depository  

Synopsis from Goodreads...

"A fast-moving, eerie...tale set on Halloween night. Eight costumed boys running to meet their friend Pipkin at the haunted house outside town encounter instead the huge and cadaverous Mr. Moundshroud. As Pipkin scrambles to join them, he is swept away by a dark Something, and Moundshroud leads the boys on the tail of a kite through time and space to search the past for their friend and the meaning of Halloween. After witnessing a funeral procession in ancient Egypt, cavemen discovering fire, Druid rites, the persecution of witches in the Dark Ages, and the gargoyles of Notre Dame, they catch up with the elusive Pipkin in the catacombs of Mexico, where each boy gives one year from the end of his life to save Pipkin's. Enhanced by appropriately haunting black-and-white drawings."--Booklist
This book was the kind of book that if I say too much then I’ll end up unintentionally spoiling it for anyone who wants to read it—partly due to the fact that it was so short.

So what should I say about book?

Well for one, The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury was a delightful, quick, and fun novel. Going into it I was looking for a festive book that fit the season—October, so obviously Halloween—and with this book I can firmly say that I got what I was after.

Next, there were eight boys out on Halloween night—ready to go trick-or-treating and have a good time—but they were missing someone, another friend. And as they try to find this friend they’re taken on an adventure through different points of time all across the world. At times it was spooky, at times it was lighthearted, and altogether it made for a good novel.

And finally, The Halloween tree was as wonderful as it was magical, especially the part that directly tied-in with the title.

At the end of the day, I’m more than happy that I gave this book a chance.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Musing Mondays (39) Answers To All Of The Questions...

Musing Mondays is a weekly meme hosted by Jenn at A Daily Rhythm, that asks you to muse about something book related each week.

My Musings for the Week...

Its been some time since I did a Musing Mondays post, but today is a new day (and I've missed some great questions). So, I'm just going to answer them below...

Random weekly question(s): If you were forced to spend the rest of your life in a library, a museum, or a zoo, which would you choose — and why?

At first I thought I had it narrowed down to museum or library, but then again zoos are cool too. It kind of makes the decision difficult because I wouldn't mind being stuck in all of them. It would be nice if I could just combine all three, but that's too much of a cop-out. I would say museum, but then again libraries have history books. But at the same time libraries don't have exhibits. Man, what a dilemma. You know what, I'll just go with museum and library since I can't decide, which is still kind of a cop-out but whatever.

Do you make a seasonal reading list? How do you choose what goes on it?

I don't have a seasonal reading list, because I usually decide to read books based off of what I'm in the mood for at the time. So really, it varies. However, I plan to read at least one more book (Coraline by Neil Gaiman) that fits with October/Halloween before the month is over.

Is a rainy day likely to inspire you to read?

Actually, not really. If I happen to read while it rains then yeah, ok, I can roll with that. Sometimes I draw, but rainy days are just another day to me.

Have you ever decorated your house around your love of books? Would you?

Hah, no way. If I ever decided to do that, the entire house would be covered from floor-to-ceiling with bookcases crammed with as many books as I could fit on the shelves. There wouldn't be room for anything else, even the couch could be one with shelves underneath the cushions. It would be kind of cool but also a disaster in the making mainly because California and earthquakes. 

That's pretty much it for today, but since it's October I need a good question to ask (I'm automatically coming up with pumpkins). So, what is your favorite way to eat pumpkin/pumpkin related food? Pie, coffee, cake, scones, etc.?
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