It's December 25th, so Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! I hope everyone has a great day. The year is almost over, and today we're going to do a book tag. (The only book tag we keep doing.) It has been a year to the day since Adri and I participated in the Cookie Book Tag for the fourth time. And today, we're going to do it again to see how our answers do and don't differ. Before we begin, here are the more technical details about the tag.
The Cookie Book Tag was created by
Nicole @ Sorry, I’m Booked. And you can check out the original tag post here:
Sorry, I’m Booked, The Cookie Book Tag.
The rules…- Link back to the person who tagged you + the creator of this tag
- Pick a book that corresponds with the cookies theme
- Have fun
- Tag 1-3 people
Chocolate Chip: A Classic Book That You Love or Really Enjoyed (interpret classic how you want, it can be a classic written 100 years ago or 20 years ago)
Breana: I have two books and one series as an answer to this question. There's Washington Square by Henry James, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, and the entire Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri (the John Ciardi translation).
Adri: My classic is really, what I assume to be, obscure. It's Tap Dance: A Beginners Guide by Trina Marx (1983).
Thin Mints: A Fandom That You Really Want to ‘Join’ AND/OR a Hyped-Up Book You Want To Read (your source(s) of a book being hyped can be from anywhere)
Breana: I'm going to go with The Keeper's Six by Kate Elliott. It comes out in January 2023, and I'm really excited for it.
Adri: I can't think of a fandom right now. As for hyped books, I’ve turned my attention to getting through books on my shelves.
Shortbread: An Author You Can’t Get Enough Of
Breana: I've read all of Katherine Arden's books (Winternight Trilogy & Small Spaces quartet), and Sarah Kuhn's Heroine Complex series is one of my favorites. For short fiction, some of my favorite authors are Eugenia Triantafyllou and Lavie Tidhar.
Adri: Better Homes and Gardens Editors… Umm, does this count? I brought two used, old baking books, Complete Book of Baking, and Old-Fashioned Home Baking. I can't get enough of them! Actually I need try out more recipes, but I like the aesthetic.
Samoas/ Caramel DeLites: An Emotional Rollercoaster (this cookie was hard … so any book that made you feel more than one emotion, strongly. The choice of emotions is up to you)
Breana: Seanan McGuire's Middlegame. That book is the epitome of an emotional rollercoaster, and I was rooting for the main characters the entire time.
Adri: Sociology: Your Compass for a New World by Robert J. Brym and John Lie. It’s a bit older, but it was a ride.
Oreos: A Book Whose Cover Was Better Than The Story OR Vice Versa, Where The Story Was Better Than Its Cover
Breana: I don't really have a good answers for this question. I mean, the book cover for the US edition of A River Enchanted by Rebecca Ross is kind of simple, but it's a perfect fit for the novel. I don't have any criticism about it, because the story was excellent.
Adri: Inside Tap by Anita Feldman. I like the cover, and it fits, but it is simple. The inside is valuable. I like the layout and am having fun working with it.
Tagalongs/ Peanut Butter Patties: A Book That Wasn’t What You Expected (good, bad, or just different, interpret how you wish)
Breana: Meet Me by the Fountain An Inside History of the Mall by Alexandra Lange. It's one of my favorite nonfiction reads of the year, but, going into it, I wasn't sure what to expect. That being said, it provided a lot of information about the history of malls, much of it I wasn't aware of.
Adri: Breana already read Magic for Liars by Sarah Gailey, but I really didn't know what to expect when I got into for myself. Nonetheless I loved it.
Snickerdoodles: A Book You May Never Stop Rereading/ Loving
Breana: I don't have much time to reread anything right now, but, if I did, I would go with The Empress of Salt and Fortune by Nghi Vo and The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd.
Adri: Inside Tap, again, because it is a tutorial book after all. But like I said above, I love the layout.
Bonus: Choose a cookie I didn’t list and make up a question!
Our question from 2018: Monster Cookies have bold flavors and a long and varied list of ingredients such as M&Ms, chocolate chips, peanut butter, oats, and even sometimes raisins. It’s like a handful of cookie types mashed into one monster of a cookie. So… Monster cookie: name a book with a bold and whimsical title or a book title with four or more words.
Breana: This one is easy: When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain by Nghi Vo. The Singing Hills Cycle just has great titles.
Adri: Daybreak on Raven Island by Fleur Bradley.
That's it for today. We tag you to do the cookie book tag to see how your answers differ (if you've done it before). If you're curious about our original take on the tag and our second, third, and fourth try at it visit the posts