Synopsis from Goodreads...
Be afraid, be very afraid of Terrifying Tales, the sixth volume in the Guys Read Library of Great Reading.
Eleven masters of suspense—Kelly Barnhill, Michael Buckley, Adam Gidwitz, Adele Griffin and Lisa Brown, Claire Legrand, Nikki Loftin, Daniel José Older, Dav Pilkey, R.L. Stine, and Rita Williams-Garcia—have come together to bring you a bone-chilling collection of original ghost stories with illustrations by Gris Grimly, perfect for sharing around the campfire, reading under the covers with a flashlight, and scaring your friends’ pants off.
Compiled and edited by kid-lit madman Jon Scieszka, Guys Read: Terrifying Tales is a creepy-fun read (if you’re brave enough, that is)...
"I peek down at Mrs. Carlson's front window and see the curtain twitch, like she's watching. I pull the kid toward me and whisper. "Listen dude, I don't know how much she's paying you, but it's not worth it. She's messed up.""--Guys Read: Terrifying Tales edited by Jon Scieszka
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