Monday, February 27, 2017

Music Monday (16) Twenty One Pilots, Lizzo, Cissie Redgwick, & Alice Francis

  • Music Monday is a weekly meme hosted by Lauren Stoolfire at Always Me that asks you to share one or two songs that you've recently enjoyed. For the rules, visit the page HERE 
Adri: Recently, I've listened to more electro swing. It's a type of music that I've been enjoying for the last few years. So, for this Monday's first pick, I chose Gimme That Swing by Cissie Redgwick. It was actually the first electro swing song that I heard that wasn't from the Great Gatsby soundtrack.

My second pick is also my second find thanks to recommendations from youtube: St. James Ballroom by Alice Francis. Its just so groovy to me.

Breana: I first heard about Twenty One Pilots back in 2015 when their song Stressed Out was released. I pretty much like all of the songs from the Blurryface album. So, you can imagine my excitement when Heathens came out. That song is so good. From the first time I heard it, I absolutely loved everything about it. Oh yeah, and the music video is pretty cool too.

My second pick this week is Worship by Lizzo, which is a song I’m really excited to share. Oh man, Lizzo is one of my favorite singers. I found her music by complete accident. I was looking for something new to listen to on youtube and happened to come across her song Humanize. Needless to say, Lizzo is awesome, and her Coconut Oil EP just gives me life. Worship is one of those songs that I can listen to on repeat and never get tired of it.

Do you have any songs that you came across by accident but really loved? If so, tell us in the comments down below.


  1. Thanks for linking up guys and for introducing me to electro swing! I love big band/ swing music and this has a really cool sound! :)


Comments are appreciated and always welcome. :)

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