Friday, February 17, 2023

The Friday 56 (228) & Book Beginnings: Mythology, Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton

The Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda's Voice where every Friday you pick a book and turn to page 56 or 56%, and select a sentence or a few, as long as it's not a spoiler. For the full rules, visit the the page HERE

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading.

Synopsis from Goodreads...

For nearly seventy years readers have chosen this book above all others to discover the thrilling, enchanting, and fascinating world of Western mythology. From Odysseus's adventure-filled journey to the Norse god Odin's effort to postpone the final day of doom, Edith Hamilton's classic collection not only retells these stories with brilliant clarity but shows us how the ancients saw their own place in the world and how their themes echo in our consciousness today. An essential part of every home library, Mythology is the definitive volume for anyone who wants to know the key dramas, the primary characters, the triumphs, failures, fears, and hopes first narrated thousands of years ago - and is still spellbinding to this day.

Beginning: "Greek and Roman mythology is quite generally supposed to show us the way the human race thought and felt untold ages ago."

56: "Four lovely maidens, sisters, coming to draw water from the well, saw her and asked her pityingly what she did there."

Comments: My first read of 2023 was Edith Hamilton's Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes. The first quote comes from the introduction. 


  1. Replies
    1. I did. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend!

  2. I'm fascinated. I loved Greek mythology as a teen, and wonder if I still would devour it now?! Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend! :-)

  3. This sounds like a great resource! My interest in mythology came from my dad who took a college course on the subject when I was a child. I loved listening to him share what he was learning. It was obvious he enjoyed it as well. I find myself drawn more so to retellings nowadays. I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. I intend to read The Iliad and The Odyssey this year, so I decided to pick up Mythology first. It was an excellent read, in terms of what I was looking for. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend!

  4. What an excellent cover! I've often thought I should go back and refresh my memory of the myths and gods stories but haven't done it yet. This seems like a good starting point. Enjoy. Have a terrific weekend.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. It is! And while I was reading Mythology, I kept wanting to stop and look up more about specific parts of the myths. I still do. So I think the book has succeeded in that way. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend!

  5. Sounds like an interesting read. Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  6. One day I'll have to try this. I don't know why I've put it off for so long.

    1. I hope you enjoy it once you get to it. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend!

  7. This sounds like an interesting book. Nice cover too. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend too!

  8. I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend! :-)


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