Thursday, June 30, 2016

Review: Royal Wedding Disaster by Meg Cabot

Royal Wedding Disaster (From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess, #2)Title: Royal Wedding Disaster
Author: Meg Cabot
Source/Format: Won, Hardcover
More Details: Middle Grade, Contemporary
Publisher/Publication Date: Feiwel & Friends; May 10, 2016

Goodreads     Amazon     Barnes & Noble     Book Depository

Synopsis from Goodreads...

Olivia Grace Clarisse Mignonette Harrison still finds it hard to believe that she's a real live PRINCESS OF GENOVIA. Not only does she get to live in an actual palace with her newly discovered family and two fabulous poodles (who all love her and think that she's anything but ordinary!) but she also gets her very own PONY! Of course, things aren't going exactly like she imagined. Her half-sister Mia is very busy learning how to take over the country while trying to plan a wedding and her father is actually getting remarried himself-to Mia's mother!-and spends most of his time "renovating" the summer palace, although Grandmere says he is just hiding from the wedding preparations. Olivia hardly gets to see either of them. Fortunately, Grandmere has her own plans for Mia's wedding, and needs Olivia's help to pull them off. Just when Olivia starts to think that things are going to work out after all, the palace is invaded by a host of new cousins and other royals who all seem to be angry at Olivia (although Grandmere says they are just jealous).

As the day of the wedding gets closer and closer, Olivia becomes more and more worried. For such a carefully planned event, it seems like a LOT of things are going wrong... Can Olivia keep this royal wedding from becoming a royal disaster?
I really enjoyed From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess by Meg Cabot, and after the ending of that one I couldn’t wait to pick up Royal Wedding Disaster. Mostly, I wanted to see the continuation of Olivia’s story and how she would adjust to changes that happened in the last book. Royal Wedding Disaster was far from a disappointment, and was definitely a good and entertaining follow-up to From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess.

This book is basically about Olivia adjusting to her new life in Genovia, while learning how to be a princess with Mia’s wedding date looming in the distance—with nothing ready. I liked Royal Wedding Disaster better than the first book in the series. The plot was pretty interesting. There wasn’t much of a mystery aspect, since Royal Wedding Disaster was more about Olivia’s life rather than anything else; however, the book was still a good one. As I mentioned above, it was entertaining.

As for Olivia she has sort of adjusted to her new life, but maintains her personality as she learns how to be a princess. It’s not all peaches and roses, and it isn't free from sudden hurdles—like learning how to dance, adjusting to a new school, and the stresses of helping with the wedding preparation; just to name a few. On the plus side, she also had a family who really cared about her, who didn’t exclude her every chance they got, and were willing to offer much needed advice when necessary. Olivia wasn’t a one-note, cardboard character—she was capable of being happy, sad, and even frustrated at times.

Several new characters were introduced, like Olivia’s cousin, Luisa. Olivia’s friend, Nishi, was also present. She was a good friend to Olivia in From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess, and she was also great in Royal Wedding Disaster. Cabot did a good job depicting their friendship as very ordinary and supportive—so two thumbs up just for that.

Overall, Royal Wedding Disaster was really good, I certainly enjoyed it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Release Day & Giveaway: Eternal Sacrifice by Stacey O'Neale

Today is the release day for Stacey O'Neale's Eternal Sacrifice. Check out the book below, and keep scrolling for a chance to win a $100 gift card...
23446593About the book...
Title: Eternal Sacrifice
Author: Stacey O'Neale
Publisher/ Publication Date: Phoenix Reign Publishing; June 28, 2016


The explosive conclusion to Stacey O'Neale's award-winning Mortal Enchantment series reveals the secrets of the fantasy world!

Valac has stolen two of the sacred objects. In a bid to rule all four courts, he has threatened to use Excalibur to cut the mist that protects Avalon--ultimately ending the lives of thousands of elementals. As the Akasha, Kalin has the power to stop him. And she refuses to lose anyone else she loves. Will she have to sacrifice herself to save them? Desperate to save Kalin's life, Rowan searches for the long-lost creator of the mist. But what he finds is the very last thing he expected. Everything he thought he knew about his past is turned upside down, and he questions whether he's meant to be the savior or the elemental that destroys them all. Told from Kalin, Rowan, and Marcus's perspective, the final installment to the series follows their journey of courage, duty, sacrifice, and love...
About the Author...

Award-winning author, Stacey O'Neale, lives in Annapolis, Maryland. When she's not writing, she spends her time fangirling over books, blogging, watching fantasy television shows, cheering for the Baltimore Ravens, and hanging out with her husband and daughter. Her career in publishing started as a blogger-turned-publicist for two successful small publishers. Stacey writes young adult fantasy and adult science fiction romance. Her books always include swoon-worthy heroes, snarky heroines, and lots of kissing. Stacey loves hearing from readers. Follow her on Twitter @StaceyONeale, look for her on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Goodreads. You can also visit her blog at

To celebrate the release of Eternal Sacrifice, O'Neale is giving away a $100 gift card (winners choice). All you have to do is enter on the widget below!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Musing Mondays (55) Recent Nonfiction Favorites

Musing Mondays is a weekly meme hosted by Jenn at Books and a Beat, that asks you to muse about something book related each week.

My Musings for the Week...

Random weekly question from June 13th: What book have you wanted to read for a long time, but still haven’t?

Oh, probably Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor. I read the first two books in the trilogy, Daughter of Smoke & Bone and Days of Blood & Starlight. I really enjoyed them, and despite the books being some of my favorites I haven't gotten around to actually finishing the trilogy, 

Other Musings...

2016 has been a very good year for nonfiction. I haven’t read many biographical works of nonfiction, so I can’t really comment on whether or not I have a specific dislike for them. So, the ones I’ve read have mostly concerned history and/or science as the subject. Today, I’m going to share my recent nonfiction favorites. 
The Illustrated Compendium of Amazing Animal Facts: This was a cute book with random animal facts, illustrated by the author. It was kind of random, just featuring a bunch of interesting facts—some of which I had already known about, but others were totally new to me.

Rain: A Natural and Cultural History: This book was about rain facts. Of all the nonfiction that I've read, there hasn't been one specifically about rain. So, I was really excited to give Rain a try. Barnett did a good job of organizing the facts, plus the writing was excellent and engaging. The overall reading experience was interesting since Rain’s focus centered on the weather and the environment—and how changes to the natural landscape could have unintended consequences. Rain was definitely a highly memorable read.

Founding Myths: Stories that Hide Our Patriotic Past: This book can be summed up as: food for thought. It pointed out many historical inaccuracies that are sometimes considered to be actual fact related to the revolutionary war and the subsequent time after the end of it. Like Rain, Founding Myths left a lasting impression. It was memorable. Overall, a great read.
So, that’s about it for today. What books have you read recently?

Friday, June 24, 2016

The Friday 56 (67) Royal Wedding Disaster by Meg Cabot

The Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda's Voice where every Friday you pick a book and turn to page 56 or 56%, and select a sentence or a few, as long as it's not a spoiler. For the full rules, visit the the page HERE
25819506Synopsis from Goodreads...

Olivia Grace Clarisse Mignonette Harrison still finds it hard to believe that she's a real live PRINCESS OF GENOVIA. Not only does she get to live in an actual palace with her newly discovered family and two fabulous poodles (who all love her and think that she's anything but ordinary!) but she also gets her very own PONY! Of course, things aren't going exactly like she imagined. Her half-sister Mia is very busy learning how to take over the country while trying to plan a wedding and her father is actually getting remarried himself-to Mia's mother!-and spends most of his time "renovating" the summer palace, although Grandmere says he is just hiding from the wedding preparations. Olivia hardly gets to see either of them. Fortunately, Grandmere has her own plans for Mia's wedding, and needs Olivia's help to pull them off. Just when Olivia starts to think that things are going to work out after all, the palace is invaded by a host of new cousins and other royals who all seem to be angry at Olivia (although Grandmere says they are just jealous).

As the day of the wedding gets closer and closer, Olivia becomes more and more worried. For such a carefully planned event, it seems like a LOT of things are going wrong... Can Olivia keep this royal wedding from becoming a royal disaster?
""Uh," Mia said, looking around, because even though the walls of the school are pretty thick--almost every building in Genovia is made of three-foot-wide stone, since the village was built in medieval times with the goal of keeping out marauding invaders--you could hear someone screaming from somewhere in the lower-form building. I couldn't believe it."--Royal Wedding Disaster by Meg Cabot
What are you reading this week?

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Review: Need by Carrie Jones

Need (Need, #1)Title: Need
Author: Carrie Jones
Source/Format: Purchased, Paperback
More Details: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal
Publisher/Publication Date: Bloomsbury, January 1, 2008

Goodreads     Amazon     Barnes & Noble     Book Depository

Synopsis from Goodreads...

Zara White suspects there's a freaky guy semi-stalking her. She's also obsessed with phobias. And it's true, she hasn't exactly been herself since her stepfather died. But exiling her to shivery Maine to live with her grandmother? That seems a bit extreme. The move is supposed to help her stay sane...but Zara's pretty sure her mom just can't deal with her right now.

She couldn't be more wrong. Turns out the semi-stalker is not a figment of Zara's overactive imagination. In fact, he's still following her, leaving behind an eerie trail of gold dust. There's something not right - not human - in this sleepy Maine town, and all signs point to Zara...
So, last week I read Need by Carrie Jones, and I have to say that It was pretty good; yet, this book had its ups and down. Sure, there were cheesy/cute moments, but in terms of general reading experience and enjoyment, Need was a fun book and an interesting opening to the series.

Need was definitely a paranormal novel. A half-frozen, decidedly sleepy town in the middle of nowhere? Check. Mysterious things happening upon arrival? Check. Paranormal elements? Check. All the semi-necessary ingredients for a paranormal pie heaped with an extra added dose of trouble. I actually liked the way Jones chose to gradually introduce the supernatural aspects into the story. As the story progressed, it became apparent that trouble had been brewing for a while. So, it was nice to see how well those details were developed, and later integrated into Zara’s story.

Zara is the main character, and she was sent to live with her grandmother to help her cope with a recent death in her family. That part of Need was pretty good. The writing was good and made it easy to get into the story, but it also captured Zara’s emotions in a way that made them seem realistic—when it concerned her family.

One of the lower points for me was some of  Zara’s blatantly bad decisions. Despite repeated warnings, she insisted on walking right into trouble against better judgment. The romantic aspect wasn’t necessarily my favorite, but I didn’t really pay much attention to it. I was more interested in the mystery and its solution. It wasn’t all bad of course, I liked the majority of the secondary characters—especially Zara’s new friends and her grandmother, Betty. The paranormal aspects, writing, and the overall plot were also good.

So, Need was interesting. Would I continue on with this series? The copy of Need that I have has a small sneak peek of the second book in the very back. And, just from the sneak peek alone, things seemed to be getting very interesting. So, I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of picking up the next book. (Actual Rating 3.5)

Friday, June 17, 2016

The Friday 56 (66) Need by Carrie Jones

The Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda's Voice where every Friday you pick a book and turn to page 56 or 56%, and select a sentence or a few, as long as it's not a spoiler. For the full rules, visit the the page HERE
Synopsis from Goodreads...

Zara White suspects there's a freaky guy semi-stalking her. She's also obsessed with phobias. And it's true, she hasn't exactly been herself since her stepfather died. But exiling her to shivery Maine to live with her grandmother? That seems a bit extreme. The move is supposed to help her stay sane...but Zara's pretty sure her mom just can't deal with her right now.

She couldn't be more wrong. Turns out the semi-stalker is not a figment of Zara's overactive imagination. In fact, he's still following her, leaving behind an eerie trail of gold dust. There's something not right - not human - in this sleepy Maine town, and all signs point to Zara...
""I'm good," I say, taking in the room, the coziness of it. It's almost like a timber frame house, I would guess. "--Need by Carrie Jones
What are some of your favorite paranormal or fantasy books/series?

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Review: From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess by Meg Cabot

From the Notebooks of a Middle School PrincessTitle: From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess
Author: Meg Cabot
Source/Format: Won, Paperback
More Details: Middle Grade, Contemporary
Publisher/Publication Date: Square Fish, May 19, 2015

Goodreads     Amazon     Barnes & Noble     Book Depository

Synopsis from Goodreads...

Return to the world of Meg Cabot's bestselling and beloved Princess Diaries series in From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess—this time through the illustrated diary of a spunky new heroine: Princess Mia's long lost half-sister, Olivia! Olivia Grace Clarisse Mignonette Harrison is a completely average twelve-year-old: average height, average weight, average brown hair of average length, average brown skin and average hazel eyes. The only things about her that aren't average are her name (too long and princess themed), her ability to draw animals (useful for her future career as a wildlife illustrator), and the fact that she is a half-orphan who has never met her father and is forced to live with her aunt and uncle (who treat her almost like their own kids, so she doesn't want to complain). Then one completely average day, everything goes wrong: the most popular girl in school, Annabelle Jenkins, threatens to beat her up, the principal gives her a demerit, and she's knocked down at the bus stop.... Until a limo containing Princess Mia Thermopolis of Genovia pulls up to invite her to New York to finally meet her father, who promptly invites her to come live with him, Mia, Grandmère and her two fabulous poodles. Maybe Olivia Grace Clarisse Mignonette Harrison isn't so average after all!
I admit that I haven’t read the Princess Diaries series by Meg Cabot, but I have seen the movies, so I’m not completely unfamiliar with the general plot. Anyway, I was really excited to receive From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess in the mail, and I ignored everything else to go ahead and read it. To sum it up, the story was short and cute.

Told from the perspective of Olivia, the story basically follows her as she discovers the truth about her family. The discovery isn’t much of a surprise, because the title and the synopsis are more than suggestiveand I was a little disappointed by that. However, that wasn’t too much of a fault since there were other things going on that were more of a surprise. I also liked how family ties and friendships were dealt with alongside the many changes happening to Olivia at once. The writing was done in a way that captured Olivia’s voice and really showed her as a character, which was great.

Overall, From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess was pretty good. Since I have the second book, I look forward to seeing what happens next and maybe I’ll finally go back and give The Princess Diaries series a try.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Musing Mondays (54) Random Weekly Question(s)

Musing Mondays is a weekly meme hosted by Jenn at Books and a Beat, that asks you to muse about something book related each week.

My Musings for the Week...

Since I took a couple of weeks off, I'm going to get caught up on the random weekly questions I missed.

Random weekly question from May 23rd: Name a book you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up loving.

I try to keep an open mind about books and reserve judgment until after I've started readingunless, of course, the subject isn't something I'm interested in. Anyway, the series' that I'm about to mention weren't ones I specifically thought I would dislike, but I was unfamiliar with the authors at the time.

So, to answer the question...

The first is the Elemental Trilogy by Sherry Thomas. And the second is The Darkest Minds Trilogy by Alexandra Bracken. Both trilogies were in the same boat. I'm glad I ended up giving them a chance, but at the time I hadn't read anything by Bracken or Thomas.

Question from May 30th: Name a book that disappointed you.

The Tapper Twin's go to War (With Each Other) by Geoff Rodkey. This book had its high and low points. Originally, I was really excited to give it a try, but it ended up being just alright for me.

Question from June 6th:What is your most favorite book from your childhood?

When I was a kid, I really enjoyed the Amelia Bedieia series by Peggy Parish, illustrated by Fritz Siebel. I haven't picked them up in a long time, but I do remember enjoying them.

Other Musings...

This week, I'm going to read Need by Carrie Jones.

4070493Synopsis from Goodreads...

Zara White suspects there's a freaky guy semi-stalking her. She's also obsessed with phobias. And it's true, she hasn't exactly been herself since her stepfather died. But exiling her to shivery Maine to live with her grandmother? That seems a bit extreme. The move is supposed to help her stay sane...but Zara's pretty sure her mom just can't deal with her right now.

She couldn't be more wrong. Turns out the semi-stalker is not a figment of Zara's overactive imagination. In fact, he's still following her, leaving behind an eerie trail of gold dust. There's something not right - not human - in this sleepy Maine town, and all signs point to Zara...

What are you reading this week?

Friday, June 10, 2016

The Friday 56 (65) From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess by Meg Cabot

The Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda's Voice where every Friday you pick a book and turn to page 56 or 56%, and select a sentence or a few, as long as it's not a spoiler. For the full rules, visit the the page HERE
25774426Synopsis from Goodreads...

Return to the world of Meg Cabot's bestselling and beloved Princess Diaries series in From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess—this time through the illustrated diary of a spunky new heroine: Princess Mia's long lost half-sister, Olivia! Olivia Grace Clarisse Mignonette Harrison is a completely average twelve-year-old: average height, average weight, average brown hair of average length, average brown skin and average hazel eyes. The only things about her that aren't average are her name (too long and princess themed), her ability to draw animals (useful for her future career as a wildlife illustrator), and the fact that she is a half-orphan who has never met her father and is forced to live with her aunt and uncle (who treat her almost like their own kids, so she doesn't want to complain). Then one completely average day, everything goes wrong: the most popular girl in school, Annabelle Jenkins, threatens to beat her up, the principal gives her a demerit, and she's knocked down at the bus stop.... Until a limo containing Princess Mia Thermopolis of Genovia pulls up to invite her to New York to finally meet her father, who promptly invites her to come live with him, Mia, Grandmère and her two fabulous poodles. Maybe Olivia Grace Clarisse Mignonette Harrison isn't so average after all!
"None of it's as easy as it looks, especially to people like Annabelle, who think all princesses do is sit around in nice clothes, which isn't true at all."From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess by Meg Cabot
Comments: I haven't read the original Princess Diaries series, but I have seen the movies. So, I'm pretty excited to read From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess. Have you read The Princess Diaries series by Meg Cabot?

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Review: Rain: A Natural and Cultural History by Cynthia Barnett

Rain: A Natural and Cultural HistoryTitle: Rain: A Natural and Cultural History
Author: Cynthia Barnett
Source/Format: Blogging for Books, Paperback Review Copy
More Details: Nonfiction, Science, History
Publisher/Publication Date: Crown Publishers, April 21, 2015

Goodreads     Amazon     Barnes & Noble     Book Depository

Synopsis from Goodreads...

Rain is elemental, mysterious, precious, destructive...

It is the subject of countless poems and paintings; the top of the weather report; the source of the world's water. Yet this is the first book to tell the story of rain. Cynthia Barnett's Rain begins four billion years ago with the torrents that filled the oceans, and builds to the storms of climate change. It weaves together science—the true shape of a raindrop, the mysteries of frog and fish rains—with the human story of our ambition to control rain, from ancient rain dances to the 2,203 miles of levees that attempt to straitjacket the Mississippi River. It offers a glimpse of our "founding forecaster," Thomas Jefferson, who measured every drizzle long before modern meteorology. Two centuries later, rainy skies would help inspire Morrissey’s mopes and Kurt Cobain’s grunge. Rain is also a travelogue, taking readers to Scotland to tell the surprising story of the mackintosh raincoat, and to India, where villagers extract the scent of rain from the monsoon-drenched earth and turn it into perfume.

Now, after thousands of years spent praying for rain or worshiping it; burning witches at the stake to stop rain or sacrificing small children to bring it; mocking rain with irrigated agriculture and cities built in floodplains; even trying to blast rain out of the sky with mortars meant for war, humanity has finally managed to change the rain. Only not in ways we intended. As climate change upends rainfall patterns and unleashes increasingly severe storms and drought, Barnett shows rain to be a unifying force in a fractured world. Too much and not nearly enough, rain is a conversation we share, and this is a book for everyone who has ever experienced it...
Of the books I’ve read this year, Rain: A natural and Cultural History by Cynthia Barnett was one of the more fascinating ones. Of the nonfiction I’ve picked up in 2016, I haven’t read one specifically about rain. The subject matter was of interest to me, and ultimately my primary reason for choosing to review this book. I wasn’t disappointed. Barnett’s research comes through on the page, and provided a thoroughly engrossing look at something as common as rain—disasters, and advancements in clothing to windshield wipers, and even mistakes made in an attempt to curb flooding.

Like I said, Rain was a very interesting read. There was a lot I liked about this book, and to me, the chapters were organized well. Barnett’s writing clearly presented facts, thus, I found this book easy to get into.

This majority of this book was dedicated to, as the title suggests, rain. It covers how weather has helped not only shape the environment, but also break it down. Barnett also shows how rain had an effect on nature as well as culture throughout history. But it also covered such topics as disastrous storms, frogs falling from the sky, polluted rainfall, as well as relief provided by much needed showers to arid regions. It also highlighted how city expansion could have effects on weather patterns, when natural landscapes are changed to suit the needs of people.

In the end, I was thoroughly impressed with Rain. It was a fascinating look at the weather, and the effects modern advancements can have on the environment. This is the first book I’ve read by Barnett, but suffice to say, I would definitely consider picking up another one of her novels.
This copy of this book was provided by Blogging for Books (publisher) for this review, thank you!
About the Author...

Cynthia Barnett is an award-winning environmental journalist who has reported on water from the Suwannee River to Singapore. She is the author of two previous books, Mirage and Blue Revolution, a Boston Globe top 10 science book of 2011. She lives in Gainesville, Florida with her husband and children. Visit her website at

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Weekend Tidbits {#7} What I've Baked Recently

I haven't done a Weekend Tidbits since last year, and I figured I might as well write up a short post since I want to talk about a recipe I tried out on Monday. I'll throw in some pictures below.
Since Monday was Memorial Day, I wanted to try out something I haven't done before as long as it wasn't too hard or time consuming. And I wasn’t finding what I was looking dormitory in my old stack of recipes—that's what the internet is for. I decided to try rough puff pastry again, since puff pastry takes so long to make from scratch. The first recipe I tried for rough puff pastry was at least a year ago and it turned out just alright. However, my internet search paid off, and I found another recipe that I ended up being happy with.

The pastry was light, flaky, and buttery, which is how it should be. It paired nicely with the left over strawberry pie filling I had sitting in my refrigerator.  I didn't do many changes since the recipe was already simple. I just cut the butter instead of grating it, and chilled the dough in the freezer to reduce the cooling time. You can check out the recipe here: Rough Puff PastrySuffice to say, I will definitely be making this pastry dough again.

My choice today is sugar cookie sleigh ride (the straggler tea left over from the holiday season). I'm trying to watch how much of this tea I drink, since it won't be available again till later this the year.

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