Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Review: Aristocracy by William Doyle

Title: Aristocracy 
Series: A Very Short Introduction #251
Author: William Doyle
Source/Format: Purchased; Paperback
More Details: Nonfiction; History
Publisher/Publication Date: Oxford University Press, USA; November 28, 2010

Goodreads     Amazon     Barnes & Noble    

Synopsis from Goodreads...

Aristocracies or nobilities dominated the social, economic, and institutional history of all European counties until only a few generations ago. The relics of their power, in traditions and behavior, in architecture and the arts, are still all around us. This engaging Very Short Introduction shows how ideas of aristocracy originated in ancient times, were transformed in the middle ages, and have only fallen apart over the last two centuries, following the outbreak of the American and French Revolutions. William Doyle, an authority on eighteen-century European history, here strips away the myths in which aristocracies have always sought to shroud themselves, but he also astutely delineates the true sources of their enduring power. Their outlook and behavior affected the rest of society in innumerable and sometimes surprising ways, but perhaps most surprising was the way in which the centuries-old aristocratic hegemony crumbled away. In this Very Short Introduction William Doyle considers why this happened and what is left today.
I’ve been into history lately, and one of my recent nonfiction reads was Aristocracy by William Doyle. It’s a part of Oxford’s A Very Short Introduction series, which has been publishing since 1995. There are a number of titles I want to read from this series, but my first foray into it was with Aristocracy.

“Aristocracy is a word coined in ancient Greece. Originally it meant not a group of people but a form of government: rule by the best. But who were they?”—pg.1, Aristocracy, William Doyle.

Aristocracy was excellent, and it was way more informative than I originally thought it would be. It was a short book at just one hundred and two pages. Even so, it was a precise summery of the roles, privileges, and powers of the aristocracy through the ages. In its five chapters total, it covered everything from the way titles were obtained (or lost), as well as the eventual decline that came with changes to the public’s perception of the aristocracy.

I honestly had a great time with this read. The compact format didn’t require too much commitment, but it was a fascinating read regardless. 

Friday, May 7, 2021

The Friday 56 (199) & Book Beginnings: Aristocracy by William Doyle

The Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda's Voice where every Friday you pick a book and turn to page 56 or 56%, and select a sentence or a few, as long as it's not a spoiler. For the full rules, visit the the page HERE

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading.

Synopsis from Goodreads...

Aristocracies or nobilities dominated the social, economic, and institutional history of all European counties until only a few generations ago. The relics of their power, in traditions and behavior, in architecture and the arts, are still all around us. This engaging Very Short Introduction shows how ideas of aristocracy originated in ancient times, were transformed in the middle ages, and have only fallen apart over the last two centuries, following the outbreak of the American and French Revolutions. William Doyle, an authority on eighteen-century European history, here strips away the myths in which aristocracies have always sought to shroud themselves, but he also astutely delineates the true sources of their enduring power. Their outlook and behavior affected the rest of society in innumerable and sometimes surprising ways, but perhaps most surprising was the way in which the centuries-old aristocratic hegemony crumbled away. In this Very Short Introduction William Doyle considers why this happened and what is left today.

Beginning: "We use the words aristocracy and aristocratic all the time."

56: "Nobility is a tissue of minute differences lovingly treasured, each one affording grounds for a sense of superiority of inferiority."

Comments: Aristocracy was an interesting read, and I plan on eventually reading a few more titles from this series. What are you reading this week?

Monday, May 3, 2021

Music Monday (156): Bree Runway, SWV, Tony Toni Toné


  • Music Monday is a weekly meme hosted by Lauren Stoolfire at Always Me that asks you to share one or two songs that you've recently enjoyed. For the rules, visit the page HERE 
Breana: A month ago, Bree Runway released a song called Hot Hot, and I like it.


Andrea: Hi all! Lately, I've been listening to  Let's Get Down by Tony Toni Toné and I'm So Into You by SWV.  

What are you listening to this week?

Monday, April 26, 2021

Music Monday (155): Tommy Newport, EarthGang, Digital Underground


  • Music Monday is a weekly meme hosted by Lauren Stoolfire at Always Me that asks you to share one or two songs that you've recently enjoyed. For the rules, visit the page HERE 
Breana: Recently, I was searching for new music by some of my favorite artists, and I noticed that EarthGang released a new song with Tommy Newport. It's called Stargazer, and I really love it. 

Andrea: This week I am listening to The Humpty Dance by Digital Underground.

RIP Shock G
August 25,1963 - April 22,2021

What are you listening to this week?

Friday, April 23, 2021

Upcoming Music I'm Waiting For (2021)

It’s already four months into 2021, and I figured it was a good time to sit down and compile a better list of all the music I’m waiting for. I already mentioned two of my top upcoming releases back in January—Last Year Was Weird Vol. 3 by Tkay Maidza and The Bitter Truth by Evanescence—so for today I’m going to focus on ones I haven’t already gone over.

Untitled album by Kimbra (release date: TBA): There’s not much about this album yet—no title or release date—just THIS tweet on Kimbra’s twitter account. Primal Heart was one of my favorite 2018 albums, so I’m beyond excited about Kimbra coming back with new music.

Pink Noise by Laura Mvula (release date: July 2, 2021): I’m so excited for Laura Mvula’s third studio album. I’ve been listening to Mvula’s music more often lately, and I was just thinking about whether or not she would release another album anytime soon. I saw the announcement for Pink Noise, and it’s undoubtedly one of my most anticipated releases of 2021. Luckily the wait for it isn't too long.

Alpha by CL (release date: TBA 2021): I used to listen to 2NE1 a long time ago. They were one of my favorite groups, and it was sad when they disbanded. That being said, I’m glad CL is back and releasing more music, because the singles released for Alpha are so good so far. I’m really excited for this one.

Planet Her by Doja Cat (release date: TBA): I like Doja Cat’s music, and Hot Pink was one of my favorite albums the year it came out. So I’m looking forward to this one.

Scaled And Icy by Twenty One Pilots (release date: May 21, 2021): I'm so excited for this album! I've been a fan of this band since the Blurryface days, and I've been waiting for the followup to Trench (2018) since its initial release. Luckily the wait for Scaled And Icy won't be too long. 

So that’s it for today. This list will of course change as the year goes on, but for now this is everything I’m waiting for. What music are you excited for? Are there any new releases you’ve listened to and enjoyed? If so, leave your suggestions in the comments.

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