Musing Mondays is a weekly meme hosted by
MizB at
Should Be Reading, that asks you to muse about something book related each week.
My Musings for the week...
This is the first Musing Mondays post of 2015, hooray! As you can see above I changed the old banner during my vacation so that it matched with the header of Our Thoughts Precisely—and it was missing a dash of blue. So, for this Musing Monday’s I'm going to briefly discuss the Goodreads Reading Challenge. So what is it? Basically, you can set a goal on Goodreads pertaining to the amount of books you want to read in a year, as a sort of challenge for yourself.
Will I participate in the Goodreads Reading Challenge?
No, I won’t be participating in the Reading Challenge this year. I’ve never done so, and I don’t think I ever will.
Why not?
I think the simple reason is that I read a random number of books each year—and setting a goal won’t help with that. When I read, it solely depends on what I feel like doing at the time. For me, I almost feel like I would get through books considerably slower if I set a goal with a specific number, because my enthusiasm wouldn't be there. As you can see with my
2015: Blogger Resolutions post, all of my goals for the year are pretty open ended. There's no specific amount for any of them. They are relatively flexible goals.
Any final thoughts on the Goodreads Reading Challenge?
I think the challenge is good for some people and not for others. For me, well, I’m on the not-so-much side.
Question: What are your thoughts on the Goodreads Reading Challenge? Does setting a goal help you read more or less?
*Check back next Monday for my list of Most Anticipated 2015 New Releases. (Hint: It's going to be short.)