It’s March twenty-ninth. So it’s time to talk about the short stories, podcast episodes, and miscellaneous posts I read or listening to in February.
Silver Necklace, Golden Ring by Marie Brennan (Uncanny Magazine; Issue Fifty)I wasn’t too sure about this story going into it. But, I’m so glad I stuck around till the end, because I ended up loving Silver Necklace, Golden Ring by Marie Brennan. This story is best described as the beauty, whimsy, and darkness of a Grimm’s style fairy tale all wrapped up in just over three thousand and seven hundred words. With evocative and atmospheric language, the story chronicles bargains and ice palaces alongside a young woman displaced and in a situation that required every inch of wit she could gather. All-in-all, Silver Necklace, Golden Ring was an enjoyable story.
Guidelines for Using the Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library by Marie Brennan (Lightspeed Magazine; Issue 153)
As it so happens, the second and last short story I read in February was a piece of flash fiction written, also, by Marie Brennan. I typically like stories like Guidelines for Using the Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library, which consists of a narrative that has a list-like structure and that tells about a specific object, person, or place. This time around, the story delves into the guidelines on how to navigate a fantasy library, which wove together a little bit of history, references to Dante Alighieri, and a whole lot of magic. Loved it!