The Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted by
Freda's Voice where every Friday you pick a book and turn to page 56 or 56%, and select a sentence or a few, as long as it's not a spoiler. For the full rules, visit the the page
Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by
Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading.
Synopsis from Goodreads...
This fourth entry and prequel tells the story of Lundy, a very serious young girl who would rather study and dream than become a respectable housewife and live up to the expectations of the world around her. As well she should. When she finds a doorway to a world founded on logic and reason, riddles and lies, she thinks she's found her paradise. Alas, everything costs at the goblin market, and when her time there is drawing to a close, she makes the kind of bargain that never plays out well...
Beginning: "In a house, on a street, in a town ordinary enough in every aspect to cross over its own roots and become remarkable, there lived a girl named Katherine Victoria Lundy."
56: "Katherine started to answer. Then she caught herself, remembering her promise to Moon. She closed her mouth and nodded."
Comments: I'm finally caught up with the Wayward Children series. I enjoyed In an Absent Dream, and I'm looking forward to the next book in the series. What are you reading this week?